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Webhook Support

Webhook Support

Updated over 8 months ago

At a Glance: This article will help you with the steps for webhook data support as part of the Trackier panel.

Video to watch:

Where to find this option?

  • You will see this option as part of 3 dots on the bottom bar with name "Webhook data support"

How to add Webhook

  • Method - Choose between the GET and POST method. Both GET and POST methods are used to transfer data from client to server in HTTP protocol but the main difference between POST and GET method is that GET carries request parameter appended in URL string while POST carries request parameter in message body.

  • Name and Type - Choose a name for the webhook along with the type of data that you want to send - It could be either install or in app event. You can even filter out the data for events in case you don't want to see data for all event.

  • Description - In case you want to add any description for this webhook you can add that as part of this section.

  • URL - Enter the webhook URL. You would need to add mecros in case of GET method to receive the data that you want. A whole list of macros has been uploaded over the platform and you can simply copy paste it as part of your URL. The macros would automatically be replaced by values once the URL is hit.

  • Body - This is relevant for POST method. You can send the data inside the body with the macros of your wish

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