At a Glance: This article will provide you with detailed information about the macros that need to be embedded in the postbacks.
Below is the list of macros that Trackier Apptrove offers and supports. In postback, macros are replaced with user-relevant data. For example, to get the IP address of the user installing the app, including country_code={install_ip}
in the postback structure.
Postback Macro Name | Description | Type of Data |
click_id | Unique click Id | String {664b1b09c8d26f1c5b6360xx} |
geo | Geographical location | String {IN} |
region | Region to which the user belongs | String {Madhya Pradesh} |
city | City name | String {Mumbai} |
source_ip | IP of the source from where the install occurred | String |
user_agent | The browser on which the click event occurred | String |
device_model | Model of the device of the user | String |
device_brand | Brand name of the device | String |
device_language/Locale | Language in which the contents of the device are displayed | String |
language | Language reported by the device and set by the device OS. | String |
platform | Device platform: iOS, Android, or Windows Mobile | String {ios} |
os_version | Operating system version | String {14} |
sdk_version | Software development kit version running on the user's device | String {1.6.57} |
app_version | Application version | String {2.1} |
app_name | Application name | String |
bundle_id | A bundle ID or bundle identifier uniquely identifies an application in Apple's ecosystem | String {id535886823} |
gaid | Google Advertising ID | String |
idfa | User resettable advertising ID found on iOS devices | String |
oaid | User-resettable ID on some Android devices usually as an alternative to GAID | String |
id_type | Google advertisement ID and iOS ID | String |
advertising_id_type | User-resettable device ID | String |
click_time | Timestamp for the click event | Integer |
click_time_unix | Timestamp for click event sent in an integer format | Integer {1716198088.000000} |
p1-p5 | Open Parameter getting value from the publisher's end. | String |
click_user_agent | Browser name through which the click occurred | Integer |
cost | Cost value | Float |
cost_usd | Cost value in USD | Float |
cost_currency | Currency of the cost | Float |
cost_currency_rate | The rate of the currency you are dealing in | Float |
install_time | Timestamp of the install event | Integer |
install_time_unix | Timestamp of install event sent in an integer format | Integer |
install_time_micro | Timestamp of install event in micro seconds | Integer |
install_date_ymd | Install date in year month and date format | datetime |
install_ip | IP of the install event | String |
event_id | Unique ID associated with the event | String {664b1c6cf7a49c498b180zyx} |
event_name | Name of the event | String {payment_gateway} |
event_revenue_currency | Event revenue currency code reported in the event or the currency selected by the user | Float |
event_revenue | Event value reported by SDK using event_revenue_currency or currency selected by the user. | Float |
event_revenue_usd | Event value in USD | Float |
revenue_currency_rate | Currency rate of the revenue |
discount | The discount associated with the product or any event | Float |
order_id | Order ID for any of the product | String |
sub1-sub10 | Any additional parameter you want to send out along with SDK | String |
sdk_param_1 - sdk_param_10 | Parameter sent along with SDK | String |
event_time | Timestamp of the event | datetime |
event_time_unix | Timestamp of the event in an integer format | Integer |
event_time_micro | Timestamp of the event in micro seconds | String |
event_date_ymd | Event date in year month and date format | datetime |
is_reengagement | To check the re-engagement. It will return "True" if there's any re-engagement noticed else false | Integer |
event_ip | IP of the event | String |
reject_reason | Reason for any rejected event or install | String |
attribution_time | Time for attribution | datetime |
attribution_time_unix | Time for attribution in an integer format | Integer |
is_retargeted | This parameter will show if you are retargeting your campaign or not. “False” would depict the campaign is considered as a regular user acquisition campaign and “True” would mean you are implementing retargeting. | String |
is_attributed | A flag marking if the installation or event is attributed to this media source | Integer |
is_lat | Limit ad tracking (LAT): iOS: Starting iOS 14 LAT is deprecated by Apple. Determine user privacy status using ATT. In this case disregard is_lat. Before iOS 14, if true, IDFA is not available and is set to 0. Android: When true, the user has opted out of interest-based ads. | String |
is_lat_bool | Returns the same result as "is_lat" but in boolean format | String |
carrier | Carrier name - Jio, Airtel etc | String |
connection_type | Connection types like Wifi, broadband etc | String |
isp | Name of the internet service provider | String |
customer_user_id | Unique customer ID | String |
customer_user_email | Email associated with the customer | String |
ad | Name of the Ad | String |
ad_id | Ad ID provided by publisher/advertiser | String |
ad_group | The group that the Ad belongs to | String |
ad_set | Ad sets are groups of ads that share settings for how, when and where to run. When you create an ad set, the choices you make at the ad set level automatically apply to all of the ads in the set. The advertiser/publisher provides these | String |
ad_group_id | Ad group ID | String |
ad_set_id | Ad set ID | String |
camp | Campaign name | String |
camp_id | Campaign ID | String |
site_id | A unique ID that identifies the publisher that displays the ad | String |
sub_site_id | Ad sub-network/Publisher ID. If in addition to the main publisher (site ID), there is a sub-publisher | String |
channel | The sources that are other than google play are used for application installation or any other related activity. For example - the App store, Samsung store etc. | String |
ad_type | Specify the type of your ad. It can be in just text or a banner or a video. | String |
partner_id | Partner ID | String |
partner_name | Name of the partner | String |
gplay_click_time_unix | Google play timestamp for click in integer format | Integer |
gplay_download_time_unix | Google play timestamp for download in integer format | Integer |
can_claim_attr_bool | In case given "All media source" as part of in-app event postback configuration by the advertiser then this macros can be added to give true or false information about the attribution | True or false |
We are delighted to have assembled a world-class team of experienced professionals who are ready to take care of your queries and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime through emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!