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Filters for Reports and Logs

Filters for Reports and Logs

Updated over 8 months ago

At a Glance : This article will provide you understanding on filter options that are available under the logs and reports available on the platform.

You might have seen a lot of filters being offered as part of logs and reports inside the Trackier panel. This document will help you understand those filters and their significance.

Reporting Filters

Filter Name



The date on which or for which the metrics are being shown


A company that helps coordinate with advertisers like influencers or affiliates.


Any platform or individuals like influencers or affiliates that bring clicks or views to your application.


The country name

Ad/Ad ID

Name of the Ad provided by advertiser/publisher. Add ID provided by advertiser/publisher

Adset/Adset ID

Ad sets are groups of ads that share settings for how, when and where to run. When you create an ad set, the choices you make at the ad set level automatically apply to all of the ads in the set. The advertiser/publisher provides these. Unique Adset ID.

Site ID

A unique ID that identifies the publisher that displays the ad


The sources that are other than google play are used for application installation or any other related activity. For example - the App store, Samsung store etc.


Month associated with the stats

Customer info (Name, ID, Phone, Email)

This one is specific to customer reports. You will be able to see the name, phone number, email ID and unique customer ID

Logs Filters

Filter Name


Lookback Window

Click lookback window: Maximum period of time after an ad is clicked within which an install can be attributed to the ad.

Click IP

IP address of the source from where the click has been generated.




An internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the internet. ISPs can provide this access through multiple means, including dial-up, DSL, cable, wireless and fibre-optic connections.

Connection Type

The connection type that you have. It can be either wifi or broadband etc.


The region to which either a click or an impression or an install belongs to

User Agent

User agent is any software that interacts with your web content and communicates with server in a network.

View-through lookback window

The maximum period of time after an ad is viewed within which an install can be attributed to the ad.

SHA1 & MD5

These are hashing techniques. In some countries where data sharing is not permitted, we get data in form of encrypted hashed data. MD5 and SHA1 are used for the same purpose. We can encrypt data like IMEI number, Mac address, OAID, GAID, IDFA, etc


The physical address that identifies a device to other devices on the same local network.


It's an anonymized string of numbers and letters generated for the device upon initial setup. Any app installed and launched can retrieve the advertising ID that Android devices possess.

Partner click ID

Partner clicks IDs are used to store non-unique values from the publisher’s tracking system, in some cases to forward to an advertiser.


Emulators are hardware or software platforms that allow a computer system (or a mobile system) to behave like another so that the former – the host – can run applications and services designed for the latter – the guest.


Identifier for the Huwai OS devices

Analysis type

Trackier provides two kinds of analysis of the data. One is real-time fraud analysis and the other is an analysis of data based on historical data. Analysis type shows what kind of analysis has been done over that data set

Device build

Build Number on a device consists of letters and numbers to determine the device's information related to its release family, date code when it was manufactured, version, and so on

CPU core

CPU core represents the total number of cores used or a total number of cores present in the system.

Screen density

Density refers to how many pixels have been physically squeezed into a 1-inch x 1-inch area. In digital displays/screens like monitors, phones, and tablets, the density measurement unit is PPI (pixels-per-inch).

Reject reason

Reason for marking the particular event or revenue as rejected or fraud

Click to install time

Click to install time, or CTIT for short, describes the interval of time between when a user clicks on an ad and an app is opened.

SDK Type

If it is Android or iOS


The identifier for Vendors, which allows app developers to measure user-level data across multiple apps from the same content provider without having to request their consent.


The Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) is a random device identifier assigned by Apple to a user's device. Advertisers use this to track data so they can deliver customized advertising


Google Advertising ID

Is Retargeting

This parameter will show if you are retargeting your campaign or not. “False” would depict the campaign is considered as a regular user acquisition campaign and “True” would mean you are implementing retargeting.

Device model and brand

The name of the brand of the mobile along with the model

Device Build

A build is a software version for a specific device

Device Locale

Locale is the representation of a specific region such as en_nz, en_us

SDK version

The version of the SDK that you are using

SDK (Created)

The date and time on which the SDK was created

Click to Event Time

Describes the interval of time between when a user clicks on an ad and an event has occurred

Install to Event Time

The time interval between when the user installed your application and when an event has taken place

Install to Uninstall Time

The time interval between when the user installed your application and when he uninstalled it

Install Time

The timestamp when user installed the application

Response Status Code

The status code for the postback. It can be 400 i.e. couldn't process the request or 401 i.e. unauthorized request etc.


This is specific to Postback logs. If the request isn't completed the error that could have possibly occurred.

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