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Updated over 6 months ago

At a Glance: This article will give you an understanding of our reports which include - Daily, Partner, Event, Uninstall, Retention, Fraud and Activity

Daily Report

  • This report will give you insights into the day-to-day metrics such as clicks, impressions, installs, cost, revenue etc. You can choose the date range of your choice and you will get the stats based on each date.

  • You can add further KPIs from reporting options or filter data out based on partner, agency, geolocation etc.

Partner Report

  • This report will give you the data about different partners that you are integrated with over our platform.

  • You would be able to add further reporting options if you want to or can filter the data out based on your requirements.

Event (In-app) Report

  • Data for different in-app events that you have added on the platform and defined as part of the SDK configurations.

  • You can see stats such as event occurrence of that particular in-app event, revenue, unique events etc.

Uninstall Report

  • The number of uninstalls that occurred during the specific date range along with installs accepted or rejected


  • Retention report will essentially let you know that how many of your users re-opened or used the application post the installation day. The percentage for the day 1 i.e install day would be 100% and then you would be able to see how many users actually came again to your application.

  • The current support for retention report is 30 days which means that till 30 days you can monitor how many users came back to your app.

  • User can further group this report via date or partner or agency etc.

Fraud Report

  • You can see the fraud stats as part of this report for real-time as well as post-analysis. The option for in-app events and install has been given differently. User can also filter out the data for agency or partner or locations etc

In case you want to set the time period for post analysis of fraud data yourself you can do that as well by going the app setting page on Trackier platform

Activity Report

  • Activity report lets you know the average daily active users and average monthly active users of your application along with other metrics such as install, clicks, revenue etc

Unilink Report

  • Unilink report will give you an insight into the details of the Unilink template and and custom link data. User can view stats such as clicks, installs, sessions, events, revenue etc.

  • There are options to group data via campaign, ad, template ID, link, link ID etc. If needed you can also filter the results based on the template, link, campaign etc.

We are delighted to have assembled a world-class team of experienced professionals who are ready to take care of your queries and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to us at any time by emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!

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