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Integration with Partners and Agencies

Integration with Partners and Agencies

Updated over a week ago

At a glance: Here you will be able to understand how to integrate with partners and agencies and scale your application and conversions.

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Under the Trackier platform, you can see all the active, as well as inactive partners that are integrated and can be used by the client side. You will see Google Ads, Facebook, Mixpanel, Moengage, and OEMs as an option under active integrated partners.

For Partners Integration

  • Go to integration and then on the partner section and search for the partner from the filter section.

  • You can set up lookback windows here. There are 2 types of lookback windows.

    • Click lookback window: Maximum period of time after an ad is clicked within which an install can be attributed to the ad. Installs that take place after the lookback window are considered Organic. Maximum limit 30 days.

    • View-through lookback window: Maximum period of time after an ad is viewed within which an install can be attributed to the ad. Installs that take place after the lookback window are considered Organic. Maximum limit 7 days

  • You can activate or deactivate partner integration settings directly from the panel and once you activate you will have the option to edit the information.

  • Install Postback informs you of the winning media sources that were attributed to an install. Once you enable this it will send default postbacks relating to user actions like installs, launches, and re-engagements based on the event name selected.

  • For In-App events postback, you can directly change the attribution window of the postback in terms of days, months, and hours.

  • You can select the in-app events by "Add event" and add a unique identifier which is passed to the publisher. You can further choose to either send "Value and Revenue", "No Value and No Revenue" or "Value and No Revenue".

Attribution link

Attribution links allow advertisers to collect data about user engagement with an ad. You can generate one for click and impression and can add various parameters to it to drill down your analysis. Please go through the page Attribution link for a thorough review.

Anti Fraud Settings

With Anti Fraud settings you can automatically block and restrict any fraudulent install or event and can make your application safer to use. To know Trackier's anti-fraud settings in detail go through the document Fraud


  • One can select and edit the permissions for fraud reports, uninstall data access and attribution link parameter update directly from the "Permissions" panel, and choose if one wants all these parameters to be seen in the partner interface.

    a) Fraud Report Access - To give them access to the fraud report.

    b) Attribution Link Param update - To give them the access to change or edit the parameters added as part of attribution links.

    c) Uninstall - So they can check the uninstall stats and data.

    d) Retention Report - For partner to view retention report over their panel.

Attribution Checklist

  • There is a checklist as part of partners that will track if the partner has started tracking your clicks installs, uninstalls, and events.

  • The SDK and app versions that the users are using through that partner. You can view this info as part of partner info under “Tracking status”.

  • A cross would indicate that the attribute is not being tracked yet and a green tick would indicate attribute is being tracked.

For Agencies

  • Advertisers can choose the settings from here as to what they want agencies to see or not to see in order to manage partners.

  • There are options such as -
    a) Allow to configure partners - To allow the agency to manage and configure partners.

    b) Log and Exports - Allow agencies to access your logs and export data.

    c) Partner Data - Allow agencies to access all partner data.

    d) Access organic data - Allow agencies to access all organic data.

    e) Revenue Data - Allow agencies to access all the revenue-related data.

    f) Fraud Data - Allow agencies to access all the fraud-related data.

    g) Uninstall Data - Allow agencies to access the uninstall data of the applications.

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Feel free to reach out to us at any time by emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!

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