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Updated over 8 months ago

At a Glance : If you're looking to analyze data in an efficient and organized way, Trackier Apptrove has the perfect solution for you! Our system provides you with multiple data logging options so that you can easily access and analyze information according to postback sent, event, and clicks.

Trackier Apptrove helps in providing the best measurement, analytics, engagement, and fraud protection technologies you need to scale your app to unprecedented heights.

Every tracking URL is recorded in order to generate logs wherein users can see who is accessing your account and how it is being accessed along with other additional attributes.

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Types of Logs

  • Click logs

    Trackier Apptrove has a separate click logs report that shows you the data of clicks received by the Trackier server. This report records -

    a) Click ID - Each click has a unique ID associated with it in the form of alphanumeric.

    b) Partner - The name of the partner through which the click was received.

    c) Click IP - The IP address of the device from which a click was made.

    d) Geographical location - The location from which the click was received.

    e) Operating System - The operation system associated with the click be it Apple, Windows or Android.

    f) User Agent - The user agent is an HTTP header that web browsers and other web applications use to identify themselves. Your web security software captures and logs user agent data when users browse the Internet.

    g) Cost - Cost that was paid by you for that click.

    h) Parameters - Open parameter in which app owner can take any information they wish to take from their partner.

    i) Created - The date and time when the click was received.

Filters for click logs

--> There are numerous filters which you can apply to your reports and can have those
columns added or filter out your report. First, you can explicitly choose the agency,
partner, geographical location or click the ID for which you want to fetch the data.

--> You can add more columns to your report so you can see that data like device name,
. package ID, Browser name, etc. You can select all these parameters if you want to.

Note : You can choose to select the date of your choice for which you want to fetch the results. You can download and fliter the results as well by clicking on options at top right corner.

  • Postback Logs

    The postback logs have the details of all requests sent through the Trackier Apptrove platform to your publisher platform. With postback logs, you can notify your partner about any conversions, app events, sales, or leads captured.

    a) Postback ID - The unique ID generated for the postback.

    b) Type/Event - The event associated with that postback.

    c) URL - The URL that you shared with your partner for data sharing.

    d) Response status - This will show if the data was successfully shared or not. 200 response is “OK” and expect that all would denote failures.

  • Filters for Postback logs

    You can add columns/parameters for postback logs like latency i.e. Network latency
    is the amount of time it takes for a data packet to go from one place to another,
    Event ID, Partner ID etc.

  • Event (In-app) Logs

    All the related logs for the events that occur post the user installs your application
    are listed in this report.

  • Filters for Events logs

    You can choose to explicitly mention the status of the event i.e. rejected or not
    rejected or In-App log ID

    You can wish to add the parameters that come with In-app events like attribution
    touch type i.e Multi-touch attribution is a method of marketing measurement that
    accounts for all the touchpoints on the customer journey and designates a certain
    amount of credit to each channel so that marketers can see the value that each
    touchpoint has on driving conversion, customer name or click to install time i.e. time
    taken for a user to actually install the application after he first clicked on application
    URL or ad.

  • Uninstall logs

    This report will display the logs of the users that uninstalled your application.

  • Filters for Uninstall logs

    You can see install time, install to uninstall time i.e. the time between you installed the application and to the time you uninstalled it, customer name, Application version to which he last used, Timezone etc.

  • Install logs

    This shows all the logs that are related to the installation of your application. Here we take data from both SDK and tracking URL therefore we have 2 different columns for that.

  • Filters for Install logs

    You can add different columns like emulator [Hardware or software that enables one computer system to behave like another computer system], Device name, Campaign through which the user installed the application, Install time etc.

We are delighted to have assembled a world-class team of experienced professionals who are ready to take care of your queries and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime through emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!

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