At a Glance : This article will provide you deep understanding over preload attribution using google play auto install.
In preload campaigns, Original Device Manufacturers (OEMs) and mobile carriers ("Preload Partners"), preload apps on devices before they reach the user. This can be done by the OEM at the factory or by providers upon first device activation.
Preload campaigns allow advertisers to reach a potentially large audience without running online campaigns.
Trackier supports the following preload campaign types:
APK preload attribution relies on a dedicated APK installed by the OEM in the factory.
Google Play Auto Install (PAI) is described in this article.
Play Auto Install preload attribution flow
When a new device is activated for the first time predefined apps are automatically installed in it from the cloud - according to rules set by the Preload Partner.
When the user launches a preinstalled app for the first time, the Trackier's SDK queries the Google Play referrer API. Trackier makes the attribution decision based on the data retrieved.
Installs attributed to Preload Partners are attributed as follows:Media_source = Partner ID
Match_type = preload_pai
Campaign_name = preload campaign by <preloadpartner ID
Attribution is decided by following factors :
a) Preload Measurement is on in the preload partner's integration tab.
b) App launch was performed within the preload attribution lookback window set in the integration tab.
c) Preload takes precedence over other attribution methods after considering the duration of the preload lookback window.
Enabling PAI preload attribution
To enable PAI preload attribution for a specific partner:
Go to the relevant partner's page in Configuration > Integrated Partners.
Turn Preload attribution on.
Define the required Preload lookback window. This window can be 1-180 days.
Click Save Integration
Postbacks for Preload Partners
As part of their integration with Trackier, Preload Partners define the content and endpoints of postbacks sent to them by Trackier. When included in a postback, macros are replaced with user-relevant data.
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