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Facebook Ads Discrepancy

Facebook Ads Discrepancy

Updated over 8 months ago

At a Glance : Understanding how to minimize facebook ads discrepancy can be tricky, but don't worry! This article will provide you with the insight you need to succeed.

While you run your campaigns on Facebook and use Trackier to view stats for different KPIs such as clicks, installs, impressions, revenue and more, there are cases when your data might not match the exact value shown on your Facebook panel. While we work closely with Facebook to minimize these discrepancies, advertisers should be aware of the following causes for them.

Discrepancy between Trackier and Facebook




Click attribution lookback window

1-30 days. Make sure to set it to 7 days with Facebook.

View-through attribution lookback window

1 day by default

Multi-channel source

Facebook self-attributes installs regardless of other media sources.

Trackier uses last-click attribution

Cross-device attribution

Facebook attributes its users that click and install on different devices, for example, iOS/Android/desktop.

Trackier attributes single devices, which perform both the engagement and the install

Different time zones

Facebook Ads' default reporting time zone is PST. Make sure to change it in Facebook Ads Manager to match the app time zone defined in the app settings in Trackier.

In case you want to change the timezone for your application contact your account manager

Google install referrer

When an install without an advertiser ID was attributed to Facebook Ads using the Google Play install referrer, AppsFlyer doesn't report it back to Facebook Ads. This will cause a discrepancy since it'll display in AppsFlyer and not in Facebook Ads.

Deeplink re-engagement attribution

A deep-linked re-engagement is not reported back to Facebook Ads. This will cause a discrepancy since it'll display in AppsFlyer and not in Facebook Ads.

Let's take an example to understand this deeper - A user sees or clicks an ad in Facebook for Demo app. Then, later, they see and click on a GreatAdNetwork ad for the Demo app and install it. Facebook Ads claims the conversion since it occurred within their lookback window. AppsFlyer attributes the conversion to GreatAdNetwork as they had the last engagement before install.

We are delighted to have assembled a world-class team of experienced professionals who are ready to take care of your queries and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime through emailing us at or by using the in-platform chat feature. We'd love to hear from you!

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