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Apple Search Ads
Updated over 8 months ago

At a Glance: This article will give you insight into Apple Search Ads integration and the process to follow to complete the integration

Sneak peek into ASA

  • Once you log into your ASA account, you will see a Create Campaign button post which you have to choose among 4 different options which define where your ad will be placed in the app store -

    a) Today's Tab - The Today tab is the first page users arrive on when they open the App Store‌.
    b) Search Tab - Reach users before they search for apps to download. Your ad will appear at the top of the suggested apps list.
    c) Search Results - When the user will start looking for your or related application, this is when your app will start to pop up to end users
    d) Product Pages - Your ad will appear at the top of the You Might Also Like list to users who have scrolled to the bottom of relevant product pages.

  • Create ad groups, set a budget for CPT (Cost per tap) and run the campaign

Trackier - ASA - Integration

  • Go to integration page. Search for "Apple search Ads" and authenticate and connect your apple search ads account over the platform

  • Once authenticated the data will populate in the partners reports.

Discrepancy in Data

  • Timezone difference - There could be timezone difference between ASA and Trackier platform due to which user can see a slight discrepancy in data

  • Install time - ASA count app install time and we count the first open

  • Winning click - ASA always attributes itself if the user engaged or download the app. Trackier has visibility across multiple networks, and attribute according to last-click methodology

  • Re-install - There could be discrepancy is re-install data as well because Trackier considers re-installs only for installs on the same device and apple considers reinstall on any install of the same user.

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